Fonts Bouillants, prospecting for helium and CO2 in the south of Nivernais, France.
The company 45-8 Energy was granted an exclusive exploration permit (PER Fonts Bouillants) in the south of Nivernais for the exploitation of CO2 and helium. The characterisation of the gas reservoir is mainly based on production tests in several wells carried out by Solexperts France 2021 and 2022.
The contribution of Solexperts
- The execution of production tests in boreholes, including the supply and implementation of test equipment and data acquisition devices for real-time analysis of the measurement data.
- Automated monitoring of the surrounding wells during and after the tests, transfer of the measurement data to an internet visualisation platform.
- Supply and implementation of SysMoG® dissolved gas probes in two boreholes with transmission of the acquired data to an internet visualisation platform.

Automated monitoring of surrounding works
Measurement of dissolved gases in boreholes
Installation of SysMoG® probes in 2 boreholes to measure dissolved gases in water. Joint infrared and Raman measurements by GeoRessources over several months.
Solexperts France
Solexperts France
- Instrumentation géotechnique dans le Laboratoire Souterrain de Meuse/Haute-Marne
- Alptransit
- Laboratoire de recherche Meuse/Haute Marne Mesures hydromécaniques dans une roche argileuse profonde
- Reconnaissances à l’avancement dans la galerie hydraulique Salazie-Amont
- Modular yielding support for tunnels in heavily swelling rock
- SysMoG Tribune de Genève H2
- High-resolution characterization of the induced fracture network around galleries in the Callovo-Oxfordian Clay using discrete fracture network inversion
Publications Gas Measurements
- 2021 Lacroix, Piedevache, In situ continuous monitoring of dissolved gases
- 2021 Baseline Subsoil CO2 Gas Measurements
- Mont Terri underground research laboratory – CO2 containment assurance experiments
- Lessons Learned from Practical Application of Geochemical Monitoring Methodology to CO2 Storage Site: Specific Case of Claye-Souilly project, Paris Basin, France
- Well integrity assessment under temperature and pressure stresses by a 1:1 scale wellbore experiment
- Mapping of natural CO2 emissions before NECCS
Solexperts France Products
- Temperature measurement chain TMK2
- Chaîne inclinométrique pour mesure de convergence
- Systèmes pour contrôle d’inclinaison CLINO, CLINO RAIL et CLINO
- Chaîne inclinométrique
- Pressure sensor with Data-Logger SDL for piezometer
- Capteur de pression Drive Point pour piézomètre
- Tube inclinométrique Solexperts ICL 63
- Total Pressure Cell
- Extensomètre de surface à fil invar
- Extensomètre à corde vibrante (béton)
- Extensomètre à corde vibrante (acier)
- Cellule de charge à corde vibrante (FCV)
- Cellule de charge DMS
- Cellule de charge